Sunday, January 1, 2012

Bring it on 2012!

I start the year in this new cozy coffee shop in Market! Market! evaluating the previous year and planning the one that has just started a few hours ago. I am still in awe with the blessings of the previous years. I found out that many of my plans were not executed but amazingly, many other things happened even though they were not on the list. God is great.

Around 40 percent of my specific plans were done last year and I think it is not bad. My plans are just but guides but I am always ready to go where the Spirit leads me. My 2011 matrix was focused on something that God didn't want me to drown into. Instead, He tapped me to get the balance that's just right and more fulfilling. This year, as I retain some of my previous unfinished goals, I make everything simple and focus on the things that really matter at the moment. Some of which I have neglected partly during the previous years while some are part of cleaning out my closet.

If 2011 turned out that great more than I expected, how much more does 2012 have to offer? Now I am ready. I'm finally ready more than ever. More than the previous New Years, this one is really going to be a blast.

Bring it on 2012!

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